Aura Point First AID Point Wall Bracket With AED Holder And Stickers

SKU: 827646

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The modular, sustainable, first aid identification solution. Designed to complement the new Aura3 and Titan range of first aid kits, all with your workplace in mind. All workplaces are unique, the first aid requirements are too. Choose from the sustainable first aid point range and create the workplace first aid storage system to meet your risk assessment demands. First aid kit, Eyewash and AED are sold separately.

Product Range

Aura Point


35 CM


39 CM


10 CM


0.40 KGS

The modular, sustainable, first aid identification solution. Designed to complement the new Aura3 and Titan range of first aid kits, all with your workplace in mind. All workplaces are unique, the first aid requirements are too. Choose from the sustainable first aid point range and create the workplace first aid storage system to meet your risk assessment demands. First aid kit, Eyewash and AED are sold separately.

Product Range

Aura Point


35 CM


39 CM


10 CM


0.40 KGS

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