Out of this world wish for Haami
On the twenty-fourth of May, eleven-year-old Matamata boy Haami had his wish for a space bedroom granted with the help of the Mico Region 2 crew.
Haami who has lymphoblastic leukaemia loves all things outer space and so a solar system bedroom complete with stary roof, LED lights, new furniture and a gaming chair was on the wish list.
Over an action-packed morning the Mico crew of Richy Shedlock, Liam Royal, Aaron Jones and Rick Van Sant constructed furniture, set up the lights and special effects and ensured the room looked positively cosmic.
“For all of us it was an amazing experience. It got us out of the office and makes you realise that work and plumbing are not the most important things in the world – that a few hours out of your day helping out like this is totally worth it,” says Aaron Jones, Branch Manager at Mico Matamata who also helps kids in need of temporary fostering through Oranga Tamariki.
Rick Van Sant, Branch Manager at Mico Cambridge has renovated seventeen houses and is in the process of helping his youngest son with a ‘gut and renovate’ project on his first home. Despite his vast experience he said this bedroom project was “a bit of a mission” getting the LED lights all set up and looking flash.
“It was a lot of fun and being there for the surprise and seeing the look on Haami’s face made it all worthwhile. It’s the first time I’ve done something like this involving kids and it’s nice to give back in this way,” he says.
Great work team!
Image: Haami, proud as punch in his new bedroom with the Mico wish crew (L-R): Richy Shedlock – Branch Manager at Mico Rotorua, Liam Royal – Sales Rep at Mico Cambridge, Aaron Jones and Rick Van Sant