Since 2017, Mico have been working alongside Make-A-Wish to help grant wishes to Kiwi kids all over the country living with critical illness. The wishes make a huge difference in not only the lives of kids who are undergoing grueling treatment or living with illnesses which are often heartbreaking, but their families and loved ones. What is truly special about being involved in the wish fulfillment process is those who help out often receive the biggest gift – the gift of giving and knowing they’ve made an impossible situation just that little bit easier for the kids and families involved.
Here are some of the wishes we’ve been involved in…

Kapiti boy jumping for joy
After three flyaway trampolines from his very windy back yard,
it’s not surprising twelve-year-old Kapiti Coast kid Terrence
wished for a trampoline that will stay put!
Haami gets out of
this world wish
On the twenty-fourth of May, eleven-year-old Matamata boy Haami had
his wish for a space bedroom granted with the help of the Mico Region 2 crew.

Paint job brings the team together
For seven-year-old Krisha from Auckland who is in remission from cancer,
getting a bedroom pimped out in her favourite colours was a wish come true…
Tim's Treehouse
Nine year old Tim from Mission Bay, Auckland had his one true wish
granted in July when the Mico team helped build him
his very own treehouse.

Team Purple
The Mico boys from Region 2 got their purple paintbrushes out
to give eleven year old Vesty from Rotorua a galaxy themed bedroom
makeover that is out of this world
Alex's All Blacks Bedroom
Alex loves the All Blacks so Make a Wish and Mico came together to bring Alex's wish for an All Blacks themed Bedroom Makeover at his home to life!

Lachlan's Lego Bedroom
Lachlan’s one true wish was for an "all things Lego bedroom makeover" and on Saturday 28th July Mico helped make that wish come true.
Arjun's Playhouse
Arjun from Lyall Bay in Wellington, is living with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Despite having undergone treatment his entire life he is full of energy and loves being outdoors. His one true wish was for a construction play zone.

Isaac's Battle Castle
Isaac’s one true wish – to have his very own battle castle kingdom at home. He designed the castle himself which included all the bells and whistles!
A Special Wish For Ella
When you’re a kid and you get sick there’s not a lot in your world that you can control, but for ten-year-old Ella from Greymouth who is living with Kearns Sayre Syndrome and Dyslexia, knew exactly how she wanted her bedroom makeover wish to look.

Pip's Basketball Court
Mico Hutt City used their connections to help lay a basketball half-court for sixteen year old Piripi (Pip) who has been undergoing treatment for testicular cancer.
Talyn's Spa
Seven-year-old Talyn has a very rare condition – Resolved Infantile Spasms, along with various other medical conditions which means he has a very limited ability to communicate. A spa pool was the perfect way to help relieve the increasing pains in his knee and elbow joints.

Jaide's Swing
Seventeen year old Jaide has cheated death numerous times in her short life! Her mum Jayne applied to have a wish granted for Jaide, something she knew would make a huge difference and bring joy to her daughter – a swing in their back yard.
Genevieve's Spa
A new spa was the perfect surprise to come home to for Taranaki six year old Genevieve after being in and out of Auckland’s Starship Hospital.