Wegj Package HTP Black

SKU: 822713

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The Yunca Heating is New Zealand's most affordable heater with the comprehensive warranties. The economical running costs, large heat output and excellent clean air rating ensures WEGJ meets your family needs as well as those of the environment. Large window of burner allows more heat to circulate the room while enhancing the look and ambiance of the fire. The timeless design assures that the WEGJ will always look stylish and appropriate in your home.

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The Yunca Heating is New Zealand's most affordable heater with the comprehensive warranties. The economical running costs, large heat output and excellent clean air rating ensures WEGJ meets your family needs as well as those of the environment. Large window of burner allows more heat to circulate the room while enhancing the look and ambiance of the fire. The timeless design assures that the WEGJ will always look stylish and appropriate in your home.

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