Standard click and collect is 5-10 working days.
If your item is in stock it will be dispatched
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Standard delivery is 5-10 working days. If your item
is in stock it will be dispatched on the next business day.
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For cleaning systems prior to commissioning or refurbishment of older systems. Cleaning a central heating system using Fernox Cleaner F3 and protect with Fernox Protector F1 can restore and maintain system efficiency resulting in a gas saving of up to 15% every time you heat your room.
17.8 CM
24.1 CM
12.7 CM
3.69 KGS
For cleaning systems prior to commissioning or refurbishment of older systems. Cleaning a central heating system using Fernox Cleaner F3 and protect with Fernox Protector F1 can restore and maintain system efficiency resulting in a gas saving of up to 15% every time you heat your room.