Invisi Series II Round Dual Flush Raised Care Remote Buttons (Plastic) 237014C

SKU: 647215

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Invisi Series II Raised Care Remote Buttons offer optimum placement flexibility within the bathroom. Remote Buttons can be placed anywhere within the bathroom up to 4m away from the cistern as well as the options of installation on the wall above the toilet, on a benchtop or counter. The Raised Care Remote Buttons meet AS1428.1-2009 AMD1 Design for Access & Mobility Standards.

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Invisi Series II Raised Care Remote Buttons offer optimum placement flexibility within the bathroom. Remote Buttons can be placed anywhere within the bathroom up to 4m away from the cistern as well as the options of installation on the wall above the toilet, on a benchtop or counter. The Raised Care Remote Buttons meet AS1428.1-2009 AMD1 Design for Access & Mobility Standards.


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